The Thing About Cars - A Podcast

Volume 46 Issue 11
May 22, 2021
Jim does his first guest appearance on a podcast.
I have been involved with Ferraris for forty-five years. I have sold parts, which required me to talk to many customers. I have sold service and maintenance which required me to talk to customers.
Even today with the Ferrari Market Letter I talk to many of you about Ferraris, history, the market and a myriad of other topics.
So, when I met the guys producing a podcast called ‘The Thing About Cars’, I thought it would be interesting to be on the radio. Well, it is not the radio, but a podcast.
I met Ben and Micky at Italian Car Day in Atlanta last November. Without knowing who I was talking to, I got to talking Ferrari. I don’t know why, but they think I know a lot about the cars, the factory and general Ferrari history. It didn’t hurt when I mentioned I have driven many different models.
I gave them a spare copy of the FML.
That prompted a call later with an offer to be a guest speaker. Suddenly, I was nervous about what would I talk about. Would I sound like I knew what I was talking about? The possibility I would become a complete blithering idiot was unnerving.
Well, I did it. Not the blithering idiot thing, but at least a plausible representation of a reasonably intelligent Ferrari expert.
If you want to check it out, go to Go to the Car Blog and check for past blogs. You’ll know it when you find it.