Bringing buyers and sellers together for 40+ years
Nobody advertises more Ferraris!
Every ad vetted against our extensive database
Over 200 Ferraris advertised in every issue
The Ferrari Market Letter was founded by Ferrari enthusiast and historian Gerald Roush. It is independent and not affiliated with any other commercial Ferrari venture or club. It is published approximately every two weeks but definitely 26 times a year. Publication began with the 3 January 1976 issue, making 2021 our 46th year of publication.
In 1997 a companion online edition, www.ferrarimarketletter.com, was introduced. The online edition contains all of the text material of the print edition and is updated when the print edition is published, i.e. approximately every two weeks but definitely 26 times a year. A "sneak peek" at the online edition can be found on the website.
From an original modest subscription list of 131, the FML has grown to have, print and online, nearly 5,000 subscribers worldwide. It is widely accepted as the bible on the Ferrari market as well as being highly respected for its informative articles and information.
Classified ads
Classified ads are run at no charge for current subscribers. All ads offering a car for sale are subject to our editing standards and must include the complete 17-digit VIN and an asking price. All ads are vetted against our database which assures the information in the ad is as accurate as possible. With in-house production we can provide the latest in classified ads, whether price changes, removal of sold cars and additions to inventory.
Asking Price Index
The Asking Price Index is a way to explain what has happened with values over the last three years. It is a lagging average over many issues that shows trends, minimizes issue-to-issue noise, and gives an indication of the market even when no vehicles are listed. This is simply a guide for Ferrari enthusiasts to help chart and follow the trends in the market.
Gerald Roush began collecting data on Ferraris over 50 years ago, with the information originally typed on 5 x 7 index cards. We continue to add to an electronic database on a daily basis. Originally the concept was an exchange of information; now we also provide a detailed history report for a fee.